Top Tips for Moving Home

Photo of empty room

Top Tips for Moving Home

Moving can be daunting, especially the packing. Here's how to make it a breeze with Magenta Self Storage:

Start early

Don't wait until the last minute to pack. Begin with items you won't need before the move, like seasonal clothes or decorations.

Declutter Before You Pack

Moving is the perfect time to ditch what you don't need. Sort through each room, keeping only what sparks joy (or usefulness). Donate or sell the rest.

Label Like Crazy

Clearly label boxes with contents and destination room. Mark "urgent" boxes you'll need right away, and others you can unpack later.

Save on Boxes

Look for second-hand boxes on Facebook Marketplace or eBay. Cardboard from neighbours who recently moved can also be a goldmine. Remember, similiar sized boxes stack best in the moving truck.

Roll Your Clothes

Travellers know this trick, rolling clothes saves space. Unless it wrinkles easily, roll most of your wardrobe to fit more in fewer boxes.

Think Outside the Box (Literally)

Leaving things already packed in drawers or dressers saves time. Wrap the drawers with cling film to keep everything secure.

Man with box on his head

Consider Professional Packers

Packing can be a time-suck. Professionals can get you moved quickly and efficiently, with expert packing techniques to keep your belongings safe.

Self-Storage: Your Temporary Home

Self-storage lets you unpack the essentials first. Settle into your new home with furniture and frequently used items, leaving the rest in storage until you're ready. This is also helpful when downsizing to decide what to keep or sell.

Plan Your Pet's Move

Moving day is stressful enough, don't add pets to the mix. Consider boarding them with a friend, family, or kennel. For exotic pets, consult your vet for safe transport advice.

Pack a "First Night" Box

Pack essentials like a kettle, cups, coffee, food, toiletries, and scissors for opening boxes. This way, you can relax with a drink and a meal after a long day, without digging through mountains of cardboard.

Bonus Tip:

Pack a bottle of wine for that celebratory first-night toast in your new home!

Moving doesn't have to be a nightmare. With these tips and Magenta Self Storage, you can conquer your move and settle into your new home with ease.


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