Cracked Nails & Split Ends

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Why a Good Pain Day Doesn't Mean No Pain

Why a Good Pain Day Doesn't Mean No Pain

The Painless Day Myth

Living with chronic illness means constantly dealing with pain. Whether it's physical or emotional, the pain is always there, lurking in the background, always eager to control us. But every once in a while, there comes a moment when the pain seems to fade away, even if just for a little while. It's what we call a "good pain day." But what does that mean? Is it a sign that the pain is finally gone for good? Unfortunately, the answer is no.

So if you ask me how I am, and I reply “Good today”, it doesn’t mean I am free from pain, it is still there – ALWAYS there. It may not be at the forefront of my mind, but it is always lingering in the background, grinding away; unrelenting and unforgiving.

Deceptive Concept

A good pain day is a deceptive concept. It tricks us into believing that we're finally free from the clutches of our chronic illness, that just maybe we can finally live a normal life. But the reality is far from it. The harsh truth is that chronic pain and chronic illness don't dissipate so easily; Chronic illness doesn't just disappear overnight. It's a constant companion, always ready to remind us of its presence. Thus, while a good pain day might provide some temporary relief, it doesn't mean that the pain has ceased.

False hope

The painless day myth, offers false hope, a taste of what life could be like without constant pain. But on the other hand, it can be a cruel reminder of what I’m missing out on. Chronic illness is unpredictable. It doesn't follow a set any rules or adhere to any plans. So, when a good pain day comes along, it can be difficult to fully embrace it or to trust it. I’m constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop; for the pain to come crashing back.

These pain-free moments are a constant battle between hope and fear, between wanting to believe that things will get better and fearing that they never will. But fully well knowing they never will…

Dealing with Chronic Pain

Every single day, I find myself grappling with the numerous challenges that come with chronic pain. This type of pain can have a significant impact on one's overall quality of life, making it a constant battle to manage and alleviate the discomfort it brings. Whether it's persistent back pain, debilitating migraines, the stiffness and inflammation associated with arthritis, or the widespread pain and fatigue of MECFS (Myalgic encephalomyelitis), finding effective pain management strategies becomes crucial to alleviate these discomforts and improve daily functioning.

Final thoughts

Living with chronic illness is a daily battle, one that requires strength, resilience, and a whole lot of self-care. While a good pain day might offer some temporary blip, it doesn't mean that the pain is not there, because it is.

Self-care and self-compassion are essential for managing living with chronic pain. It's easy to get caught up in the demands of daily life and forget to take care of ourselves. However, neglecting our physical and emotional well-being only exacerbates the pain and fatigue that comes with chronic illness.

About me

I am a married mother of four children, in my mid 40's. I run a small business and enjoy writing, which is why I blog. My blog focuses on my experiences of living with chronic illnesses and disabilities such as ME/CFS, spinal stenosis, chronic pain, and fibromyalgia.