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Make a quick sale by styling your house on a budget

If the time has come for you to move on from your current home, you don’t have to break the bank to improve your chances of selling. Today, I’ll be looking at the best ways for you to style your home, but without spending unnecessary money on a new kitchen or pricey furniture.

Always Upcycle

If you haven’t come across it before, upcycling is when you take an old, tired piece of furniture and give it a new lease of life, whether that’s with just a coat of paint or the use of some vibrant fabric. If you have come across this before, you should know that it’s also a lot of fun. 


It’s so satisfying to make something yourself, especially if you can get the kids involved. Go around your home and look for pieces of furniture that are making your rooms look a bit drab; old wooden coffee tables can be re-painted and distressed to give it that oh-so-desirable shabby chic look.


Style Un-used Rooms

I think everyone is guilty of having a room or a cupboard that they use purely to throw things in. Then you can forget they exist when people come round to visit. Unfortunately, this can really put off a buyer; they might desperately need that extra room but discount your house because they can’t even see if it is a room.


Take everything out of there and either throw it away or find new home for it. It’s time to give this room a new purpose. Whether it’s a study or a nursery that you want, remember that this is about saving money, so don’t rush out and buy a tonne of new expensive furniture. Furniture rental companies are a life-saver in these situations, because you can get top-quality furniture without the price tag. Plus, they often have expertise with show-homes and interior styling, so you might be able to pick their brain for ideas!


Simple Improvements Can Make All The Difference

The little details are the ones people will notice the most. Don’t be afraid to use accessories in a room to enhance it. Darker rooms will benefit from some soft lighting, while larger rooms need to look as though they’re actually lived in, so add some personal touches.


Then, focus on making small improvements like boxing off exposed piping in the bathroom, as well as taking care of any grouting that has gone mouldy. Do you have any loose wiring in places or peeling wallpaper? If it means stripping it down and re-painting it a neutral colour then so be it! People will notice, and you don’t want to give them an excuse to leave early. You can find more of these little improvements here.


I hope this tips on budget home-styling will help you make that quick sale. Let me know what happens - do you have any tips of your own?